Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Willkommen sie, welcome

This is the Instructors Blog.

Here, topics will be posted for discussion by the instructor. Students will post a comment using the comment link below. Keep comments here to 150 words max - That's about 27 lines in the comment box. You can see what 150 words looks like by clicking on the comment link and reading the first comment (a quote from the recent Slate story on Richard Rorty).

Then students will post more elaborate responses to the readings and the topics here on their own blogs:

Joe's blog [with link] - Jan's blog - etc.

1 comment:

Justin Whitaker said...

We have been through a period of political hysteria and are just starting to come to terms with the results of those years of panic-driven irrationality. The bottom has fallen out of the worldview that was dominant until just a few months ago: and even Francis Fukuyama has admitted that history didn't quite end after all.
In fact history turns out to be more alive than ever. We are practically drowning in it as we once again begin to look at all the issues of personal, social, political, and environmental justice and freedom that Rorty so perceptively addressed. And his recent reappraisals of religion promised so much more than they had time to deliver ... consider, for example:
"My sense of the holy is bound up with the hope that some day my remote descendants will live in a global civilization in which love is pretty much the only law."